Sunday, June 7, 2009

Who Knew?

Who knew that this blogging was so complicated. Maybe it get's easier after you get all the widgets and gidgets set up! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get it all figured out without tearing all my hair out!

I've got lots of new things listed on e-bay for the 4th of July. Please take a look. You won't find these things anywhere else.

My goal for tomorrow is to figure out how to get pictures on this page. Then you'll be able to see just how great my 4th of July and patriotic prims are.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy June!

It's finally June! May seemed sooo long to me, I don't know why but it seemed to drag on forever.

I'm getting started on a new batch of witches - they're going to all be different this year. Some coffee stained, some painted green - think "Wicked". I love doing my witches - it's so fun to get creative with them. Watch for photos! I've already got about 8 of them finished, I'm waiting for the craft shows to preview them.

I'm going to really cook tonight - I've tapped into my inner Italian and going to make lasagna spinach rolls. If they turn out I'll post the recipe.

Have a blessed day!